The Near Miss: Ellen Goltzer’s Journey to “Golden Bachelor”

Ellen Goltzer/Credit: ABC YouTube

Ellen Goltzer narrowly avoided missing out on appearing on The Golden Bachelor, thanks in part to her friend Roberta Zaktzer. Roberta, unfortunately, passed away before the show aired, so she never got to see Ellen’s scenes. During the finale, Jesse Palmer shed tears as he shared the story of Roberta’s role in Ellen’s journey. It was Roberta who encouraged Ellen to apply for the show, ultimately leading her to fall for Gerry Turner.

Ellen pondered what Roberta’s reaction would have been when Gerry sent her home from The Golden Bachelor. She believed that Roberta would have comforted her and been proud of how she conducted herself on the show, despite the initial doubts of even making it.

There was a moment reminiscent of those high school days when you get a pimple on your face right before a big date. Well, according to an article from US Weekly, something similar happened to Ellen, but on a much larger scale. The information came to light recently when Ellen spoke about her experience on the Ben Ashley Almost Famous podcast.

Ellen Goltzer Leaves Gerry Turner's Golden Bachelor - ABC

Ellen Goltzer Reveals How She Overcame Obstacles on ABC’s Golden Bachelor

In a surprising turn of events, Ellen Goltzer almost didn’t make it on Gerry Turner’s season of the Golden Bachelor. It all started when she developed a massive abscess on her cheek just three weeks before the show was set to begin. It was a real golf ball-sized abscess and it seemed like she would have to back out.

However, with the relentless encouragement from her friend Roberta, who always says, “Never say never,” Ellen decided to push through. She was determined not to let this setback ruin her chances of finding love on national television. With the help of a dedicated doctor, the abscess cleared up enough for her to cover it up with makeup.

Despite the challenges she faced, Ellen’s experience on the ABC show only strengthened her belief that she could still find someone special at her age. Although Gerry Turner ultimately broke her heart, Ellen remains optimistic and hasn’t given up on the possibility of finding love.

Many of Ellen’s fans are now rooting for her to become the first Golden Bachelorette. They admire her resilience and the way she handled herself in the face of adversity. Imagine the excitement if she were given another chance to find her perfect match!

What are your thoughts on Ellen’s journey? Would you have made the same decision to continue with the abscess? Share your opinions in the comments below and stay tuned for more exciting updates about The Golden Bachelor.

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