Discover These Fascinating Secrets About the Show ‘Love Is Blind’

The individual enclosures are fully insulated from sound, and participants are engaging in communication using speakers.

love is blind wall

The pods in the show are not equipped with producers. In the initial plan, the producers intended for the pods to have soundproofing on only a few sides, allowing sound to pass through the light-up wall. However, they discovered that this design led to sound bleeding from one pod to another. To ensure complete privacy for the contestants, the decision was made to make the entire pod soundproof, and the contestants communicated with each other through speakers. According to Chris Coelen, the co-creator and executive producer, there were no producers or any other individuals present in the pods during the show. It was just the two contestants interacting with each other. As for the engagement rings, the cast members have the option to either bring their own or choose from a limited selection provided.

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Participants in the competition have the exciting opportunity to select from a variety of ring styles. According to Netflix’s Coelen, male contestants have the option to choose among a delightful array of “10 or 12 unique styles and hues” for their rings. Furthermore, if they prefer, they are even allowed to bring their own personal ring from home. In a refreshing twist, Coelen revealed that women also have the chance to propose on the show, despite none having taken up this offer thus far. It is worth noting that the show usually undergoes filming a considerable time before its actual airing, typically around one to two years in advance.


Couples participating in the TV show “Love Is Blind” faced the challenge of keeping their relationship status under wraps until the show’s finale aired on Netflix. Despite having just 38 days to get to know each other, get engaged, and tie the knot, these couples had to wait for over a year before they could publicly share their journey and reveal their relationships. According to contestant Damian Powers, the filming for the series concluded in November 2018, while it aired in February 2020. This meant that those couples who ended up together had to diligently keep their marriages away from the public eye and social media to avoid spoiling the show’s ending for viewers. The show’s second season was filmed in 2021 and released in 2022. Interestingly, the producers preferred to be less involved in planning the contestants’ dates, giving them more freedom and control over their romantic experiences.


Except for the inclusion of putting participants in pods and determining when they could meet, Netflix’s reality dating show, according to Coelen, allowed contestants more control over their relationships compared to other overly produced shows of the same genre. Coelen expressed his intent to offer contestants the opportunity to shape their experiences within the confines of the pod system.
In an interview with Oprah magazine in 2020, Coelen explained, “Contestants would express their desires, like having a dinner of lasagna with a particular person, and we would make it happen. They had the freedom to do anything they wanted, except physical contact or visual interaction… We wanted them to make their own choices and take charge of their destinies.”
Moreover, contestants were not given scripted prompts or specific talking points.
Coelen revealed to Variety, “Producers never interrupted them and told them what to discuss. They had the autonomy to do whatever they pleased.”
However, the producers did assist contestants in arranging dates with specific individuals.


Producers played a crucial role in setting up the dates for the participants in the show “Love Is Blind.” The unique concept of the show revolves around the fact that the contestants cannot see each other, limiting their communication to the confined spaces called pods.
To ensure that the contestants meet their desired partners in the pods, the producers assisted in arranging the dates. The contestants were given the opportunity to choose the individuals they wished to continue talking to, and the producers would facilitate their meetings if both parties were keen on spending more time together.
In the first season, the show had initially cast around 40 to 50 individuals, creating a diverse pool of potential connections.

love is blind

After a span of 10 days, the cast of “Love Is Blind” was reduced. According to Netflix, the initial group consisted of roughly 40 to 50 participants, as mentioned by Coelen to E! News in 2020. Throughout the immersive 10-day experience in the pods, some contestants were eliminated, dwindling the number to approximately 20 to 25 individuals.

As the process unfolded, it became apparent that certain individuals were garnering more attention from others within the group. Recognizing this, the show’s creators made the decision to focus internally on those who were truly forging connections. This entailed whittling down the cast and providing the selected individuals with more time to nurture their relationships.

While it is possible for other couples to become engaged during filming, their journeys may not be prominently featured in the show.


On the first season of the hit series “Love Is Blind” on Netflix, only six engaged couples were chosen to be featured. The surprising success of the show caught the producers and creators off guard, as more couples got engaged than they anticipated. As shared by one of the producers, there were actually eight couples that got engaged on season one, but only six of them were followed on the show. In season two, two additional couples got engaged, but unfortunately, their stories weren’t shown. Interestingly, many contestants in the show resort to using celebrities as a reference to describe their physical appearance to their potential matches.


Vanessa Lachey hinted that these depictions may not always be truthful. On a 2020 episode of the talk show “People Now,” Nick and Vanessa Lachey, the hosts of the series, disclosed that participants would compare their appearance to famous personalities while communicating with prospective matches behind the wall. However, Vanessa subtly suggested that not all the contestants were entirely accurate in their claims of resembling celebrities. Additionally, due to the freedom to remain in the pods for as long as desired, some participants even dozed off during the process.


To ensure contestants had enough sustenance, the producers had to gently persuade them to take breaks for meals. It was common for dates within the pods to extend into blissful slumbers, as couples were free to remain there as long as they desired. In fact, some individuals admitted to enjoying drifting off to sleep while conversing with their potential love interest. This desire for prolonged connection led to instances where contestants resisted the need for basic necessities such as food, restroom breaks, or rest, prompting the producers to intervene. As the initial dates grew in duration, spanning mere moments to hours on end, the depth of conversation between participants flourished.


The duration of the dates in the pods on the show “Love Is Blind” were not consistent. The way the show was edited made it difficult to determine the exact length of each date. However, according to the show’s creator, Chris Coelen, the duration of the dates varied depending on how far along the contestants were in the process. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2020, Coelen revealed that in the beginning, when there were many people to go through, the dates were short, lasting only about seven to ten minutes. As time went on and the contestants formed stronger connections, the dates became longer, with couples spending hours together multiple times a day. Interestingly, while in the pods, contestants were allowed to suggest specific activities for their dates, as long as they adhered to two rules.


Participants were given the freedom to engage in various activities during the competition. According to an interview with AV Club, the executive producer, Coelen, emphasized that while participants couldn’t physically see or touch each other, they were allowed to explore their creativity and do whatever they pleased. This included having meals together, playing games, indulging in art, or any other activity that could enhance the personal nature of their dates. It’s worth noting that contestants were completely disconnected from their electronic devices such as computers and cell phones.


Netflix intentionally incorporated the concept of disconnecting from technology in their reality show, “Love Is Blind.” Just like other reality shows, the contestants were intentionally deprived of cell phones and other technological devices that could connect them to the outside world. This significant aspect of the show’s premise was carefully planned to address the current societal reliance on dating apps and technology for finding love. The show’s creator, Coelen, explained that the abundance of technological options has paradoxically made people feel dispensable and has reduced connections to a superficial level. Thus, the idea of removing everyone’s devices emerged as a means to encourage the contestants to focus on forming genuine connections with each other. This approach was effectively executed through a variety of innovative methods during the show.

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