Discover these surprising and lesser-known facts about the popular series ‘Love Is Blind’

The pods provide a full soundproof experience where contestants communicate solely through speakers.

love is blind wall

Netflix decided not to include any producers in the pods. Originally, the plan was for the pods to have soundproofing on only a few sides, with sound passing through the light-up wall. However, this led to sound bleeding from one pod to another. In order to ensure complete privacy for the contestants, the entire pod was made soundproof and they communicated with each other through speakers. According to co-creator and executive producer Chris Coelen, there were no producers or any other individuals present in the pods, it was just the contestants and their communication partner. As for the engagement rings, the cast members have the option to bring their own or select from a limited number of choices provided.

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Participants have the option to select their preferred ring style among a variety of choices on the Netflix show. Coelen, the producer, shared with Variety that male contestants can pick from around 10 to 12 diverse ring styles and colors. Alternatively, they are also allowed to bring their own ring if they wish. Furthermore, Coelen mentioned that women also have the opportunity to propose on the show, although no one has taken up this option so far. It is worth noting that the show is usually recorded a year or two ahead of its actual broadcast.


Couples participating in the reality show “Love Is Blind” had to maintain the secrecy of their relationship until the show’s finale aired. Unlike most reality TV shows, where contestants can immediately share their love life on social media, the couples on “Love Is Blind” had to keep their relationship status hidden for quite a long time. The show’s production wrapped up back in November 2018, but the contestants had to wait until February 2020 to see their journey on TV and finally go public with their relationships.

This arrangement meant that the couples who ended up together had to refrain from revealing their marriages on social media and other public platforms for over a year to avoid spoiling the show’s ending. It’s quite impressive how these couples managed to keep such a significant aspect of their lives a secret for such an extended period.

Furthermore, unlike other reality shows where producers often have a hands-on approach in planning contestants’ dates, “Love Is Blind” takes a different approach. The producers allow the couples to independently plan their own dates, giving them more freedom and control over their romantic experiences. This unique aspect adds a touch of authenticity to the show and allows the couples to truly explore their connections without external interference.


Except if you consider the inclusion of placing them in pods and determining when they have the opportunity to meet. Netflix
Coelen mentioned that the contestants had more say in their relationships compared to other reality dating shows that are overly produced. His intention was to give contestants the ability to have control over their experiences while adhering to the pod rules.
According to Coelen’s interview with Oprah magazine in 2020, “[Contestants would] say, ‘I’d love to have a dinner of lasagna with this person. So, we’d get them some lasagna. They could do whatever they wanted, as long as they didn’t physically touch or see each other … We wanted them to make their own decisions and be in charge of their own destiny.”
Contestants were not given scripted lines or specific topics to discuss.
Coelen also mentioned to Variety, “They were never interrupted by a producer telling them what to talk about, they simply did what they wanted to do.”
However, the producers did assist contestants in arranging dates with specific individuals.


Producers played a significant role in setting up the dates on the show “Love Is Blind”. The concept of the show revolves around contestants not being able to see each other, meaning they had no means of communication outside of the special pods provided. But how did they end up in a pod with their desired person? This is where the producers stepped in and arranged the dates.

According to the show’s creator Chris Coelen, the contestants were given the opportunity to select the people they wanted to continue talking to. If both parties expressed an interest in each other, the producers ensured that they would meet in the pods. This process of selection and arrangement of dates helped to narrow down the initial cast, which consisted of around 40 to 50 individuals during the first season.

love is blind

After a span of 10 days, the production crew made the decision to reduce the number of contestants on the hit show “Love Is Blind,” which is available for streaming on Netflix. Initially, there were approximately 40 to 50 hopeful participants, as revealed by Coelen in an interview with E! News in the year 2020. Through the course of their time spent in the isolation pods, the group was gradually narrowed down to a smaller pool of around 20 to 25 individuals. As the process unfolded, it became apparent that certain individuals were attracting more attention and interest from others. This led the production team to select those who were forming stronger connections and devote more time to them. It is worth noting that while the show allows for additional couples to get engaged, their stories may not be prominently featured.


During the debut season of “Love Is Blind” on Netflix, only six engaged couples were showcased. The creators and producers of the show were pleasantly surprised by its overwhelming success, as the number of couples who got engaged exceeded their expectations. Chris Coelen, a producer of the show, shared in a 2020 interview with Entertainment Weekly that they were initially nervous about whether any couples would actually get engaged and make it to the altar. To their surprise, they ended up with more engaged couples than they could feature on the show. Coelen revealed that although eight couples got engaged during season one, only six of them were chosen to be part of the series.

Interestingly, it has been reported by People that two additional couples from season two also became engaged, but their stories weren’t included in the show. In their quest to make a connection, many contestants resorted to using celebrities as references to describe their appearance to potential matches.


According to a Netflix show called “People Now,” Vanessa Lachey hinted that the contestants’ claims of resembling certain celebrities may not always be true. In an episode aired in 2020, the hosts, Nick and Vanessa Lachey, mentioned that the competitors would use celebrity comparisons to describe their looks to their potential match on the other side of the wall. Vanessa subtly suggested that these assertions may not always be reliable. Additionally, due to the unlimited time they could spend in the pods, some participants even fell asleep during the process.


Producers had to regularly remind contestants to take breaks for meals during the filming of the show. Due to the freedom to spend as much time as they desired in the pods, some couples would end up dozing off during their dates. According to Coelen, the creator of the show, contestants expressed their fondness for falling asleep while chatting with their potential match and wanted to maximize their time together. In an interview with AV Club, Coelen shared that contestants had to be encouraged to pause for necessary activities such as eating, using the restroom, conducting interviews, or getting some rest as they were simply reluctant to stop talking to their potential partners. Initially, the dates were brief, but they gradually extended into lengthy conversations.


The durations of the dates in the pods were not consistent due to the editing techniques used in the show “Love Is Blind”. It was difficult to determine the actual length of each date. However, the show’s creator, Chris Coelen, confirmed that the lengths of the dates varied depending on the stage of the contestants’ journey. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2020, he explained that in the beginning, when there were many people to go through, the dates would be brief, lasting around seven to 10 minutes. As time progressed, the contestants would spend hours together multiple times a day. While in the pods, the contestants had the freedom to suggest special activities for their dates, as long as they adhered to two specific rules.


Participants were granted the freedom to engage in various activities during the competition on Netflix. While physical contact and visual interaction were off the table, there were no restrictions on their imaginative pursuits. Coelen, in a conversation with AV Club, shared that the contestants had the liberty to dine, engage in games, indulge in the art of painting, or explore any other endeavors that would enhance the intimacy of their dates. It’s essential to note that contestants were required to disconnect from their electronic devices, providing an authentic and genuine experience.


Netflix deliberately implemented a unique approach for its reality show “Love Is Blind.” Like many other reality shows, the contestants were intentionally separated from their cell phones and other technological devices, cutting off communication with the outside world. This decision, according to Coelen, was pivotal to the show’s concept. He explained that in today’s society, where dating apps and technology dominate the romantic landscape, people often feel disposable and relationships are superficial. To counter this, the show creators devised a strategy to encourage genuine connections among the contestants by taking away their devices and placing them in isolated pods.

In addition to separating them from technology, the contestants also experienced a major shift in their living arrangements during the first season of the show. They were assigned to sleep in trailers, deliberately designed to strip down their comfort levels. This unconventional living situation further challenged the contestants and created a unique environment for them to genuinely connect with one another.

kenny love is blind

Kenny Barnes shared his experience on the hit Netflix show “Love Is Blind” and revealed that the accommodations during the experimental pod phase were far from luxurious. Instead of cozy beds in spacious rooms, the contestants found themselves sleeping in trailers with correctional-facility style beds. It was a deliberate decision to strip them of their usual comfort and create a level playing field. As some contestants pointed out, the overall experience felt akin to living in a fraternity or a sorority house.


According to Lauren Speed, a cast member on Netflix’s show, being on the show felt like being a part of a “family.” She mentioned in an interview with Oprah magazine in 2020 that despite the potential for rivalry and competition among the cast members, they actually developed a strong bond, creating a unique “sisterhood.” Lauren expressed how their shared experience on the show, which was truly once-in-a-lifetime, brought them closer together in a way that only they could truly comprehend. Mark Cuevas, another cast member, echoed similar sentiments about the camaraderie among the men, referring to it as a “frat house” but with a deeper emotional connection.

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