The Joyful News: Alexa Lemieux from Love Is Blind announces pregnancy, anticipating the arrival of their first child with husband Brennon

Alexa, one of the couples from Love Is Blind, is overwhelmed with joy as she prepares to embark on her journey to motherhood. She passionately expresses her gratitude for being pregnant, revealing that motherhood has always been her ultimate dream. Alexa, aged 29, shares the exciting news that she and her partner Brennon Lemieux, whom she met and married on the third season of the popular Netflix series, are expecting their first child together. In an exclusive announcement, PEOPLE reveals the delightful news.

The couple eagerly anticipated this moment, and they are truly thankful that it has finally arrived. With Alexa’s due date set for the summer, she can’t contain her excitement and is eager to share the news with the world. She admits that she is not the best at keeping secrets, so she is more than ready for everyone to know about the upcoming arrival of their bundle of joy.

Reflecting on her journey, Alexa shares her deep appreciation for her pregnancy. She emphasizes the happiness she feels when she gazes into the mirror, remembering the times when she longed for a visible sign of her impending motherhood. Now, with her baby bump proudly on display, she can’t help but revel in the experience. She often finds herself gently rubbing her stomach, completely captivated by the miracle growing within her. It has become an obsession that brings her overwhelming joy.

Brennon, aged 33, echoes Alexa’s sentiment and reflects on the unexpected nature of their love story, which led them to each other. He mentions that often in life, the most magical things happen when one least expects them to occur. This was true for their encounter on the show, where their paths crossed in a serendipitous manner. Similarly, the couple did not anticipate their path to parenthood, yet it naturally unfolded. Brennon embraces this unexpected journey and recognizes the beauty in life’s surprises.

As they eagerly await the arrival of their little one, Alexa and Brennon are filled with gratitude and joy. They recognize that sometimes the most precious and fulfilling moments in life occur when least expected, and they eagerly embrace this new chapter together as prospective parents.

Lynne Jones
In late November, there was joyous news for Alexa and Brennon. However, the path they had taken to reach that point was far from smooth sailing. It had been a challenging journey for them both, as they had been trying for a baby for nearly a year and a half. Despite undergoing fertility treatments, none of them seemed to yield any positive results. Alexa’s unease grew as she started to doubt if their dream of becoming parents would ever come true.

While she acknowledges that this is not the only purpose in life for women, Alexa personally feels that her calling is to be a mother. From a young age, whenever she was asked about her aspirations in life, her answer never varied – she simply wanted to be a mom. This dream had been ingrained in her since childhood and still remains her ultimate goal.

During a difficult time in her life, Lynne Jones confesses that she felt incredibly low and overwhelmed. The reason behind her emotional state was the fact that she was unable to pursue her life’s purpose, something she believed she was destined to do. This situation made her feel as if her womanhood was being taken away from her, leaving her with a sense of brokenness.

Amidst experiencing such intense emotions, Alexa, feeling vulnerable, even questioned her partner Brennon whether he ever regretted marrying her instead of someone who could have given him a child. In response, Brennon reassured her with love and support, emphasizing that whatever happens, their love will remain steadfast.

The whole ordeal was a heavy burden for Alexa to bear, as she had to process these feelings and navigate through them.

Lynne Jones

When Alexa and Brennon discovered they were expecting a baby naturally, just before they were about to schedule an IVF appointment, Alexa had a hard time accepting it as reality. Despite her efforts to optimize her chances of conceiving, such as cutting out alcohol and caffeine, consuming warming foods, and undergoing acupuncture twice a week, Alexa was skeptical that her efforts had paid off. However, she decided to take a break from her routine during the holiday season and to her surprise, she became pregnant.

The news came as a shock to Alexa, who had not anticipated the positive result. Excitedly, she took multiple pregnancy tests, all of which confirmed that she was indeed expecting. Overwhelmed with joy, Alexa exclaimed to Brennon, “My body works, my body works!”

For Brennon, the news was equally unexpected. Alexa showed him one of the tests, which had a faint line indicating a positive result. Brennon’s uncertainty led him to suggest getting another test for confirmation. Astonishingly, Alexa revealed that they had already taken five tests before, proving the validity of her pregnancy. The couple had been through a long and emotional journey of trying to conceive, making the positive result all the more significant.

Despite their excitement, Brennon suggested waiting for an official confirmation from a medical professional to fully acknowledge their pregnancy. This level-headed approach was an attempt to stay grounded amidst the whirlwind of emotions they had experienced throughout their pursuit of parenthood.

In the time since that special day, Alexa has been experiencing the typical symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy. She shares that during the first six weeks, she felt extreme exhaustion, often sleeping for about 20 hours a day. On top of that, she even contracted pneumonia. It was definitely a challenging period for her, dealing with sickness and pregnancy symptoms simultaneously.

Fortunately, those symptoms have calmed down a bit for Alexa now. However, she still deals with constant nausea and troublesome heartburn. To make matters worse, she has been craving spicy Mexican food, which she humorously admits doesn’t help with the heartburn at all.

As Alexa looks forward to entering her second trimester, she is taking her pregnancy one day at a time. She eagerly anticipates showing off her growing baby bump by wearing form-fitting clothes and experimenting with new styles.

Reflecting on her journey so far, Alexa considers each passing week a significant milestone. She often found herself ticking off boxes, grateful for making it through another stage of pregnancy. Being constantly monitored with sonograms also helped reassure her. Despite the challenging symptoms she experiences, she expresses genuine gratitude for being pregnant. Even when she’s feeling sick and throwing up, she reminds herself that this is what she wanted and feels incredibly fortunate to be in this position. She embraces the ups and downs of pregnancy with a positive attitude, understanding that it’s been a long road to get here and cherishing every moment.

In terms of her changing body, Alexa embraces it wholeheartedly. She believes that her body changing is part of the purpose of pregnancy. She encourages other women not to worry about stretch marks or weight gain, expressing her gratitude for these changes. Having experienced the journey of pregnancy, she empathizes with those still trying to conceive and sends her positive wishes to everyone on their own paths to parenthood.

Overall, Alexa’s journey through the first trimester has had its challenges, but she remains excited and appreciative as she moves forward, eagerly awaiting the next stages of pregnancy.

Lynne Jones
The couple has recently discovered the gender of their baby and is eagerly anticipating sharing the news with their family and friends at a special gathering they have planned. According to Alexa, they found out during a routine blood work appointment when she was ten weeks along. They decided to keep the information between themselves for a while before revealing it to others.
Brennon and Alexa can’t contain their excitement and are thrilled about various things once their baby arrives. Brennon jokes about being able to go skateboarding again or trying out new skateboards, and finding someone to accompany to the boot store. He is also looking forward to taking the child to kid rodeos. Alexa, on the other hand, is excited to see who the baby will resemble, as a combination of both of them. Seeing their friends and family interact with their child also brings them immense joy. They believe that having a child together is a unique and enjoyable experience, as it represents the physical embodiment of their love. As such, they are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their little one and sharing this special time with their loved ones.

“I feel like this is just the next chapter in our lives. The timing couldn’t be better. We’re currently in the process of searching for a new house, so it’s interesting to view potential properties with a different perspective now. We’re envisioning where the nursery will be and picturing our future backyard,” she remarks, while Brennon interjects, “Every day brings a new mix of emotions. We are constantly planning and preparing for the future. It has definitely changed the way we approach our long-term goals, rather than just focusing on day-to-day tasks.”
But above all, there is one thing that excites them the most. “I can’t wait for the day when our child asks us how we met,” Alexa eagerly expresses. “It’s a story that would require hours to tell. We can just sit down and watch a few episodes together.”
Brennon adds, “It would be absolutely hilarious if that actually happens. I would burst out laughing!”
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All five seasons of Love Is Blind are now available for streaming on Netflix, and season 6 will premiere on February 14th.

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