Rick Ness Takes a Risk: Uncovering a Hidden Gold Mine with His Team

At Dunkin Creek, Rick and his team are starting a fresh shift. Unfortunately, they run into a big hiccup at the wash plant that throws a wrench in their day. As they work to sort out the problem, Mark Dove Spike, who’s in charge of the wash plant, stumbles upon a major complication with processing the gold.

The team led by Rick encounters a difficult situation at Dunkin Creek where rocks are putting the wash plant in jeopardy. The urgency of the situation is heightened by holes in the screen and a large gap in the punch plate.

Speedy Solution Dilemma:
Due to time constraints, the team decides to make a temporary fix on the plate instead of creating a new one, just to get the plant through until the end of the season.
Ben Belly steps up to the task of repairing the plant, fully aware that the solution is only a temporary one.

Seasonal Stress:
As the season comes to a close, the team is feeling the pressure of dealing with plant problems on top of their usual tasks, scrambling to make temporary repairs to keep everything running smoothly.

Taking a risky and bold step, Rick decides to venture into the lazy bend of the river in search of more lucrative gold deposits. This move showcases Rick’s determination to meet the 1,000-ounce season goal, even if it means straying away from the usual reliable creek cut.

Rick’s decision to take a chance on the laid-back bend really paid off when they stumbled upon some valuable pay gravels and uncovered a large gold nugget. This discovery not only surpassed their usual yield but also ensured that their season was saved. Additionally, it put them in a good position to achieve their ambitious goal of reaching 1,000 ounces of gold.

Check out the entire video here:

In spite of the tough challenges at the wash plant, Rick and his team have put in incredible effort to overcome obstacles. Patching up a big hole in the perforated plate was just one of the many setbacks they faced. With the gold mining season coming to an end and the pressure of reaching the 1,000-ounce goal looming, Rick’s decision to move to the lazy bend of the river may have seemed risky, but it ultimately paid off. The discovery of huge gold nuggets, each with its own unique value, not only marks the end of a successful mining season but also showcases Rick Nass’s bravery and determination.

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