A Warm Welcome to Baby with Amy and Michael

Introducing Amy and Michael’s incredible surprise and the latest member of the 1000-lb Sisters family!

With warm regards from Amy and Michael, we extend our heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of their second child! The couple from “1000-lb Sisters” joyfully welcomed their second son, Glenn Allen Haltеrmаn, on July 5th via a c-section. Little Glenn entered the world measuring 17.5 inches in length and weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces. The proud parents couldn’t be more ecstatic about this wonderful addition to their family!

With the graciousness of Amy and Michael

With much joy and relief, Amy and Michael excitedly share the long-awaited news – their baby boy, Glenn Allen Halteman, has finally arrived. The delivery was a resounding success, and Amy can now bask in the love of both her miracle boys, making their family feel whole. Earlier, the couple had announced their pregnancy with a delightful Instagram post featuring their adorable firstborn, Gage. Now, their family has welcomed the newest addition, and their hearts are filled with happiness.

Provided by Amy and Michael

With Amy and Michael being overjoyed, they eagerly anticipate the growth of the bond between their eldest son Gage and the newest addition to the family, baby Glenn. Being only 20 months apart in age, it is almost certain that the brothers will share an inseparable and heartwarming connection. Managing two boys under the age of two will surely be an adventure worth cherishing!

A big congratulations to Amy and Michael on the expansion of their family, now a happy family of four!

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