Controversial Love Is Blind Cast Member Faces Backlash for Exaggerating Instagram Influence with ‘Enormous’ Fan Base, but Actually Only Has 8,600 Followers

Trisha Frame, a prominent contestant on the latest season of Love is Blind on Netflix, has recently faced a wave of online trolling after she proudly shared about her social media popularity. Standing out in the first episode with her unwavering confidence in the pods, the 31-year-old Chicago real estate agent often boasted on the show about her massive Instagram following. However, to the surprise of fans, it was revealed that Trisha actually only had around 8,600 followers on the platform.

Backlash: Chicago real estate agent Trisha Frame (pictured) has been trolled by viewers after bragging about her Instagram following on Netflix's Love Is Blind

Trisha Frame, a real estate agent from Chicago, recently faced criticism from online viewers after she boasted about her large Instagram following on the popular Netflix show Love Is Blind. In her introduction, she confidently expressed her confusion as to why she was single and without any romantic interests. With a hint of humor, Trisha rated herself as a perfect ten in terms of being a desired partner. However, these seemingly arrogant remarks did not sit well with a number of people who took to social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to express their disapproval. One viewer of the show tweeted, “Currently watching Love Is Blind and let me just say, Trisha… girl… absolutely not.”

Is that all? The 31-year-old repeatedly bragged on the show about having a 'huge Instagram following', but fans quickly discovered she had just 8,600 followers

Is that everything? On the show, the 31-year-old continuously boasted about her massive number of Instagram followers, but it didn’t take long for fans to uncover the truth – she only had a meager 8,600 followers.

Another person chimed in, poking fun at Trisha’s obsession with her Instagram followers, saying, “Trisha won’t stop talking about her 8.6k followers on Instagram, but seriously, who cares? #LoveIsBlind.”

A different fan questioned why Trisha feels the need to boast about her social media following and assume that all the guys are interested in her, tweeting, “What does Trisha gain from constantly bragging about her 8,000 Instagram followers and thinking that every single guy is into her?”

The criticism became so intense that Trisha decided to delete her Instagram account shortly after the second season of the show premiered on Netflix.

However, Trisha made a comeback on the social media platform on Tuesday and took a moment to address her controversial behavior on the show. In a post, she wrote, “Well, that episode was quite embarrassing,” accompanied by a laughing emoji.

Trolled: The backlash from viewers eventually became so extreme that Trisha deleted her Instagram account shortly after her episode aired

Trolled: Due to the extreme backlash she received, Trisha decided to delete her Instagram account shortly after her episode of the show aired. Unlike the other participants, Trisha didn’t mention Love Is Blind in her Instagram bio or post any pictures from the show. She was part of the pod phase of the season but didn’t manage to form a romantic connection and didn’t move on to the honeymoon section. In the scenes she appeared in, the blonde not only boasted about her popularity on social media but also claimed that most of the men on the show were interested in her. During a conversation with Nick, she exclaimed, ‘You guys are all so excited to talk to me!’ and added, ‘I don’t want to come across as conceited, but it seems like all of you are pursuing me.’

'You guys are all so excited to talk to me!' The blonde not only bragged about her popularity on social media, but also claimed most of the men on the show were interested in her

“It’s amazing how eager you all are to have a conversation with me!” proclaimed the blonde contestant, proudly boasting about her immense popularity on social media. Not only that, she also confidently stated that the majority of male contestants on the show had expressed interest in her.
“I have a massive following on Instagram who witness the dedicated effort I put into my fitness regimen. Sometimes, I think that my intense workouts might make certain girls or individuals feel a bit intimidated, as they might question their ability to keep up,” she elaborated.
In this popular dating show, thirty individuals engage in a unique dating process within “pods,” where they are unable to physically see one another until they decide to get engaged. Following this, the engaged couples spend four weeks together and subsequently decide whether they genuinely wish to pursue a wedding.
The initial two episodes of the show primarily focus on the contestants forming connections within the pods, and only the couples who become engaged continue to be featured in the subsequent episodes. Season two of Love Is Blind is currently being aired globally on Netflix.

Premise: The popular dating shows sees 30 singletons date in 'pods' where they cannot see each other before getting engaged

Synopsis: In this highly popular dating series, a group of 30 individuals embark on a unique romantic journey where they engage in intimate conversations from separate “pods” without the privilege of seeing each other until they decide to take the plunge and become engaged.

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