Discovering the Enigmatic “Golden Isle”: Uncovering Stories of Serpent-dwelling Treasures and Deadly Legends

Explorers delved into the murky river bed and uncovered a multitude of artifacts including figurines, temple bells, tools, mirrors, coins, and pottery. Among the finds were exquisite gold sword hilts, gold and ruby rings, intricately carved vases, wine decanters, and flutes shaped like peacocks.

The discovery of this treasure trove has confirmed the location of the ancient city of Srivijaya, a thriving and influential port city on the sea route connecting the East and the West.

Tìm thấy dấu tích 'đảo vàng' nơi xuất phát chuyện rắn ăn thịt người - 1

Ruled by a monarch, Srivijaya held dominion over the Strait of Malacca from 600 to 1025, during which it clashed with the Chola dynasty of India. Following this period, Srivijaya’s power began to wane, but trade continued in the region for another couple of hundred years as noted by historians.

Gold objects were discovered at the riverbed of Srivijaya. The last prince of Srivijaya, Parameswara, tried to reclaim control of the region’s trade in the 1390s, but he was defeated by the neighboring kingdom of Java. Following this, the area became a sanctuary for Chinese pirates. Today, there are few remnants of Srivijaya’s prosperous past. No official excavations have been carried out in the vicinity of the river, and artifacts are sold to private collectors in the international antiquities market.

mỏ vàng, vàng, Rand Central Gold Mine

“We are essentially beginning with a blank canvas. It’s reminiscent of entering a vast museum with all its galleries completely devoid of any exhibits,” explained Kingsley, a researcher. The clothing preferences, hobbies, and culinary tastes of the people of Srivijaya remain a mystery to us. Their everyday lives and even their practices and traditions surrounding death are virtually unknown to us.”

Giới kim hoàn đối mặt với thách thức nguồn cung vì cuộc chiến Nga - Ukraine

In the past, Palembang, Indonesia, was a wealthy trading port that was once home to the powerful Srivijaya empire. Previous archaeological studies in the area have uncovered remnants of this prosperous era, such as brick temples and ancient inscriptions.

Most of the information we have about Srivijaya comes from foreign visitors who marveled at the city during their travels. They likened it to a fantastical world akin to something out of JK Rowling’s novels.

Srivijaya’s wealth was evident in its contributions to other countries. The city financed the construction of Buddhist temples in China and India during the 10th century. It also donated luxurious items like ivory, crystal statues, perfume, pearls, coral, and rhino horn to China. The city’s abundant natural resources, including sandalwood, camphor, and gold, further added to its prosperity.

Despite its former grandeur, Srivijaya eventually disappeared. One theory suggests that the city’s structures, which were primarily built on rafts along the river, decayed over time. Another possibility is that a geological event, possibly linked to Sumatra’s volcanic activity, could have buried the city beneath the earth.

Researcher Kingsley emphasized the importance of preserving the legacy of Srivijaya, calling it the “last great lost civilization” that has faded into obscurity. It is a reminder of a bygone era that should not be forgotten.

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