“Filter Frenzy: Meri’s Persisting Obsession Despite Weight Loss Progress and Amos Andrews Breakup (The Reason Behind Her Continual Use)”

Following her split from Amos Andrews, Meri Brown of Sister Wives still relies heavily on filters in her photos. However, there’s a straightforward explanation for why she continues to use them.

Meri Brown of Sister Wives fame went through a public breakup with Kody Brown in 2023, and her relationship with Amos Andrews also didn’t last long. Lately, fans have noticed that Meri has been using a lot of filters on Instagram, which might be a way for her to cope with her personal struggles. Despite her ups and downs, Meri has managed to keep up with her reality TV stardom, but the aftermath of her breakup with Amos may become a storyline in the upcoming season of Sister Wives. Known for her strong personality and challenges within the family dynamics, especially with Kody, Meri has been vocal about her desire for more attention and her frustrations with sharing her husband. With her self-esteem possibly impacted by these difficulties, it’s possible that Meri’s filter use is a reflection of her emotional state. Fans are wondering if she will continue relying on filters as she moves forward from her split with Amos.



In the midst of her separation from Amos, Meri is making an effort to maintain her appearance. Having been married to Kody for over three decades, Meri started a new relationship with Amos on her 53rd birthday. As Kody’s first wife, it was evident that their relationship had soured over time. Kody openly admitted that he no longer had any feelings for Meri. The couple decided to legally divorce so Kody could marry his preferred wife, Robyn Brown. Unfortunately, Meri’s relationship with Amos didn’t last either.

Meri had hoped that Amos would make her feel valued and cherished after years of neglect from Kody. However, it seems that Amos may have had ulterior motives, as he is currently involved in a custody battle and has a history of multiple marriages and financial challenges.

Following her breakup, Meri shared a filtered photo on social media accompanied by a heartfelt message about moving on. While her words were meaningful, the heavily edited photo distracted from the sincerity of her message.

Meri acknowledged that caring for someone deeply does not always guarantee a successful long-term relationship, especially when there are significant differences in aspirations, communication styles, values, and future plans. Making tough decisions becomes necessary when these fundamental aspects do not align.

It is possible that Meri is seeking to maintain her relevance following her split from Kody, as she navigates the challenges of a new chapter in her life.

Meri has been putting more effort into her appearance since parting ways with Kody, and she seems to be embracing a more glamorous look as she navigates her breakup with Amos. She has often been overlooked on the show, possibly because she only has one child with Kody who is now grown. Unlike Janelle or Christine, Meri has handled the split with Kody in a less dramatic way.

In a recent post with her dog, Meri shared about changing plans due to a snowstorm in Flagstaff. She mentioned that sometimes life requires a change in direction, and she has embraced that. While she looks stunning in the photo, some may find her bright blue eyes and smooth skin a bit too perfect to be real. It’s possible that Meri is focused on maintaining her fame, seeking attention, and ensuring her financial stability, as beauty is often associated with success.

Meri has also been documenting her weight loss journey since the split with Kody. Her social media posts reflect her excitement and pride in her healthier lifestyle. It’s understandable that she wants to feel confident, especially after years of competing for Kody’s affection with the other sister wives. Despite her efforts to enhance her appearance with filters, it’s clear that she is a 53-year-old woman who should embrace her natural beauty.

Given Kody’s past admissions about his lack of attraction to Meri, it’s no wonder she may feel insecure about her looks. The question arises if Meri is trying to make Kody jealous through her transformation.



Meri has been a prominent figure on social media for years, especially since her time on Sister Wives. However, her online presence noticeably changed after her split from Kody in 2023. While she has always been active on Instagram, she began using filters more frequently after her breakup with Kody, and even more so when she was with Amos. Kody had a significant influence over his wives, especially Meri, as his first wife. When Meri broke free from Kody’s control, she faced more challenges compared to Christine. Despite knowing that Kody no longer loved or found her attractive, Meri struggled to fully let go of their relationship.

It’s possible that, whether consciously or not, Meri is trying to make Kody envious, even on a subconscious level. Kody’s desire for a polygamous lifestyle clashed with what his first three wives wanted. He began taking Meri for granted, and now that she is living her best life, losing weight, and gaining confidence, he may be feeling the loss of having her by his side.

Although Meri may no longer have feelings for Kody or Amos, she understands the power she holds. Kody’s hurtful comments about his lack of attraction towards her had a lasting impact. Now that she is single again, feeling more confident, and enhancing her physical appearance, Meri may be seeking validation or trying to provoke a reaction from Kody.

Despite her reasons, Meri’s excessive use of filters is concerning. It is possible she feels pressure from societal beauty standards to appear youthful, slim, and flawless. However, Meri is naturally beautiful and doesn’t need to rely on filters to enhance her appearance. Hopefully, she can have the confidence to embrace her natural beauty and not feel the need to heavily rely on filters. Meri, as a star of Sister Wives, shines bright without them.

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