Fortune Strikes: Man Unearths Ancient Treasure in Suffolk Field, Astonished by £90,000 Sale

A construction worker who accidentally found a collection of 99 silver Anglo Saxon coins in a rural field struck gold when the coins were sold at an auction for £90,000. Don Crawley, a 50-year-old, will receive half of the substantial amount, with the other half going to the owner of the ancient Saxon church grounds in Suffolk where the coins were discovered.

The individual, who enjoys metal detecting, discovered the ancient coins in 2017 during their initial visit to the farm in Bucklesham, close to Ipswich. Experts from the British Museum analyzed the treasure and determined that it originated from the early medieval period, specifically during the reign of King Aethelred II of England from AD 978 to 1016.

In 2017, Don Crawley, aged 50, made a discovery of 99 silver Anglo Saxon coins while exploring a farmer’s field with his metal detector.

Historians from the British Museum have confirmed that the hoard of coins discovered by Mr. Crawley dates back to the first millennium, specifically between AD 978-1016. Mr. Crawley, speaking after the recent auction in Mayfair, London, expressed his joy and amazement at the outcome. He mentioned that he may never experience something like this again. Initially estimated to sell for around £30,000, the coins ended up fetching triple that amount, much to Mr. Crawley’s delight.

Mr. Crawley recounted how he stumbled upon the coins during his first visit to a farmer’s land in Suffolk. As he walked up an incline in the field, his Deus detector signaled a strong find, leading him to unearth 93 coins in a short period of time. The discovery prompted an investigation by the Finds Liaison Officer, revealing that the site was a long-forgotten Saxon church dismantled by the Normans in the 11th century.

The construction worker in the photo will receive half of the £90,000 in cash from the sale of the silver pennies. Historians have determined that the coins are from the era of King Aethelred II based on the markings.

The collection of coins found includes two unique mints – coins that were produced in specific locations such as Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire and a mint in Louth in Lincolnshire that was previously unknown.
During the excavation, human bones were uncovered, along with the discovery of six more coins.
In the 10th century, Louth was a fortified settlement with a church that housed the remains of St Herefrith, a bishop.
Experts speculate that the coins might have been buried around 999 by a pilgrim as an act of penitence, perhaps out of fear of the impending apocalypse predicted for the Millennium.

The auctioneers announced that the British Museum had thought about purchasing the coins, but ultimately chose not to. Nigel Mills, an expert in antiquities from Dix Noonan Webb, expressed his excitement over the outcome for the seller, Don, highlighting how the auction prices for a recently discovered treasure can surpass all predictions.

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