Hilarious Comparisons: Love Is Blind Season 3 Cast Versus Beloved Favorites.

The third season of Love Is Blind has recently started airing, and it seems like fans are already drawing comparisons between the new cast members and their favorites from previous seasons. Honestly, I can’t help but notice the striking similarities myself. It’s like seeing double!
Fans have been pointing out specific individuals from the new season who share a resemblance with past contestants, and their observations are scarily accurate. For instance, many agree that Cole and Barnett from season one could pass as the same person. I mean, I haven’t witnessed them both in the same room yet, so who knows?
Let’s take a look at all the instances where viewers have been drawing parallels between the fresh Love Is Blind season three cast and their predecessors on the Netflix series.

Love Is Blind season three cast compared to old cast members

Ever since the release of season three, there has been an abundance of memes drawing comparisons between Cole and Barnett. It’s that typical American fraternity boy vibe, you know? Cole frequently refers to girls as “babes” and uses phrases like “adulting” on a regular basis. It’s all giving off that timeless, youthful, boyish charm that we experienced with Matt (aka Barnett) in season one. They even share a resemblance in their appearance. Someone once said that Cole and Barnett are the kind of guys you’d try to kiss back in college, and that statement has stuck with me because it’s so true. It’s worth mentioning that Cole’s last name is also Barnett, adding even more weight to the similarities between the two.

Shayne was undoubtedly the standout character from season two, and it seems like Cole is heading in the same direction. Some of the things Cole says on his dates are so reminiscent of Shayne that if you closed your eyes, you might mistake him for Shayne in a different accent.

During the retreat portion of the show, Bartise is displaying the same tendencies as Shayne did in season two. He seems to be completely disregarding the main concept of the show, which is emotional attraction rather than physical appearance, and instead, he continuously emphasizes his physical attraction to Raven. He even throws in a few remarks about loving that she’s into fitness, just to solidify his point. Is this guy really Shayne in disguise?

If you’re compared to Jessica, that’s a compliment in my book. Jessica was the wild, high-pitched favorite from season one, and I can definitely see that energy in Colleen. Did you know she’s a ballet dancer? I’m absolutely obsessed.

Colleen and Shaina have a lot in common as well. Shaina was all about the drama and was frequently compared to Jessica when she was introduced in season two. So, it’s only natural that Colleen is also being compared to her.

As for Brennon and Nick,

Love Is Blind season three cast compared to old cast members

I’m sorry, Brennon, but you just give off the same vibes as Nick from the second season. I wouldn’t be surprised if at the retreat, you start telling us that you make your own toothpaste. Additionally, Alexa reminds me a little of Danielle, so everything seems to be falling into place.

Colleen is definitely channeling Gigi’s energy, without a doubt. While she may have her life together as a ballet dancer, there’s a sense that there’s drama and chaos just waiting to burst out. Colleen is definitely the one to keep an eye on this season, much like Gigi was in the first season. It’s even a bit creepy how she and Matt resemble Gigi and Damian.

Let’s move on to Andrew and Sal…

Love Is Blind season three cast compared to old cast members

those wondering, Andrew’s unpredictable nature continues to keep us guessing. He possesses a unique personality, similar to Sal, who could easily whip out a ukulele at any given moment without raising an eyebrow. And speaking of entertainment, Netflix has released the highly-anticipated third season of Love Is Blind, offering a captivating watch for fans. So, grab your popcorn and prepare for an exciting journey of love and surprises.

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