Imperfect Partners: The Unfulfilled Roles of Kody Brown’s Former Spouses (Meri, Christine & Janelle’s Journey as Wives)

Kody Brown, from the show Sister Wives, has faced harsh comparisons to the infamous characters Satan and Darth Vader. However, it is worth considering that his former partners, Meri, Janelle, and Christine, may not be as blameless as they appear.

Kody Brown, known for his role in the reality show Sister Wives, has often been labeled as a loser. However, it’s possible that his former spouses, Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown, are just as responsible for the troubles in their relationships. Offscreen, these women are no longer married to Kody, with Christine having already remarried to David Woolley. Currently, the ex-wives are publicly expressing their grievances towards him on social media. For instance, Christine mocked him by wearing an “I tried polygamy” t-shirt on Instagram. In Season 18 of the show, Christine openly criticized Kody, indicating her belief that he is a failure as a husband and father. Janelle also voiced her frustration towards him while the cameras were rolling, while Meri often appeared tired and exhausted whenever she was around the ill-tempered polygamist.

Season 18 of Sister Wives brought about an interesting dynamic as it allowed the women in Kody’s life to finally have a voice. The pandemic created additional strain on the already fragile Brown family dynamics. Kody and Janelle’s relationship, in particular, experienced significant difficulties even before COVID-19 emerged. While it was beneficial for the women to be able to express their emotions freely, as suppressing them can be detrimental to one’s well-being, the overall atmosphere became negative. Even Kody’s sacred marriage with his “queen” Robyn seemed to have been affected. While Kody is often seen as the main issue in his polygamous marriage, his ex-wives are not without fault. They too have made mistakes.

One noteworthy aspect is that Meri Brown didn’t pay attention to the signals Kody was giving.

Meri had not always been a monstrous person, but she intentionally chose to remain ignorant. Despite Kody’s clear “hidden messages,” she failed to perceive that he did not love her in any capacity. Unlike the more platonic friendship he shared with Janelle, Kody did not offer Meri even a hint of affection. It should have been clear to Meri long ago that there was no emotional connection between them. However, whether due to her own reasons or self-delusion, she persistently attempted to make their relationship work. She held onto a hopeless situation for far too long, and it was a relief when she finally decided to end their spiritual union.

Interestingly, individuals like Meri and the rest of the Brown family, who strongly adhere to Christianity, opted for divorce. While divorce is not explicitly banned in the realm of plural marriage, it is generally frowned upon and not recommended by the Bible. People involved in polygamous relationships often claim that their choices are rooted in religious beliefs, but there may be additional underlying motivations. Perhaps the man desires power over women, or maybe the women prefer to be submissive. Everyone’s reasons are unique, and Meri appeared to be someone who desired guidance. Her demeanor was consistently meek.

However, being meek does not equate to weakness, and Meri should have stood up for herself more often. Countless times, Kody hurt her, and she simply accepted it without putting up a fight. Additionally, Robyn, despite putting on a facade of being a confidante, displayed passive-aggressive behavior towards her fellow sister wife. Meri, being too timid to truly express her frustrations towards her husband and his favored wife, internalized her emotions, which ultimately weighed her down. It would have been better to confront the issues and clear the air rather than enduring a burdensome romantic relationship.

Meri’s spiritual union with Kody resembled a never-ending war, and she must take responsibility for her role in it. She seemed to feign ignorance of his intentions, but deep down, she understood them all too well. In war, there is a concept known as “strategic patience,” where one carefully waits to achieve a goal in the long run. Meri exhibited great patience, but perhaps her ultimate goal was not to grow closer to Kody. Instead, it may have been to prolong her time on the Sister Wives lifestyle for as long as possible.

Janelle Brown Refused to Comply with Kody Brown’s COVID-19 Regulations

Janelle understood the importance of taking extra precautions during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but she decided to disregard Kody’s rules. Although she had valid reasons, she must have been aware that her choice to be less strict than him would have consequences. Regrettably, Kody distanced himself from her and their children during the pandemic because they preferred to adhere to the guidelines set by the CDC. However, these recommendations were not sufficient for Kody. To Janelle’s defense, his rules were quite challenging to follow. According to Janelle, as reported by People, his instructions greatly limited the activities that their children could engage in, such as maintaining a ten-foot distance from their friends. Understandably, this did not sit well with them. Although the pandemic situation has improved now, allowing people to resume their normal lives to a certain extent, tensions within the Brown family did not dissipate. In reality, they only intensified.

Perhaps, if Janelle had complied with Kody’s wishes, as he desired his wives to conform to traditional gender roles once again, they might have been able to mend their relationship when his rules became less restrictive. It is worth noting that Kody is a Capricorn, known for their rigid adherence to rules, while Janelle, being an Earthy Taurus, is astrologically compatible with him but also equally stubborn. Regarding the pandemic, Janelle felt that Kody was forcing her to choose between her children and him. However, if Janelle and her children had followed his rules, there would have been no need for such a choice.

Janelle stood her ground and refused to yield when Kody crossed a line. She solidified her stance on the whole pandemic issue and remained unwavering. While Janelle is intelligent and practical, Kody strives for a more submissive role from his wives, like the Stepford Wives. Janelle found his approach unreasonable, which triggered her resistance to comply with his wishes.

Despite being in a plural marriage where the husband is expected to have authority over the household, Janelle did not conform. This act set the stage for Kody to perceive yet another betrayal from the Brown women. Only Robyn seemed to meet his high standards. When Janelle rebelled as a wife, it marked the end of their relationship. It was only a matter of time until that happened.

In an unrelated matter, Christine Brown desired more passion from Kody Brown.

Christine is an Aries woman, known for her fiery nature and desire for passionate love. She values authenticity and despises infidelity, making cheating a deal-breaker for her. Despite her jealousy, Christine would never betray her partner and only desired genuine love. It is evident that someone with her temperament is not compatible with polygamy.

From the beginning, Christine realized that she wasn’t suited for the unconventional lifestyle. The idea of sharing her husband, Kody, with another woman like Robyn was agonizing for her. Robyn’s entry into the family shattered Christine’s hopes and dreams. While Christine understood the concept of plural marriage, the emotional impact of being overshadowed by a younger wife was unexpected and painful. Even Kody probably didn’t anticipate the extent to which his life and relationships with the other wives would be affected once he fell in love with Robyn.

Meeting Robyn was a transformative moment for Kody, igniting a deep and unconditional love within him. He was willing to do anything for her, even if it meant damaging his relationships with his other wives, including Christine, Janelle, and Meri. Unfortunately, this kind of intense passion had no place within the context of a plural marriage. It acted as a destructive force, tearing through the family dynamic like a wildfire. Meanwhile, Christine was expected to suppress her emotions and suffer silently, adhering to a concept of godly suffering imposed on women in polygamist situations. However, Christine couldn’t contain her jealousy and openly exhibited it in a family where she had to continue interacting with the other wives, including Robyn.

Christine’s inability to handle her jealousy could be seen as her own flaw, and Kody likely holds her accountable for her lack of self-control. However, these issues are irrelevant now, as Christine has found her true love outside of her polygamous marriage. She no longer needs to concern herself with what Kody thinks or who he loves. It is indeed a blessing for her.

Of course, it is crucial to acknowledge that Kody Brown also bears responsibility in this situation.

Kody’s weaknesses brought him down, causing issues within his family. Like everyone, Kody has flaws that negatively impact his relationships, particularly with his wife Robyn. Despite their current tensions during season 18, it’s evident that there is still love between them. Robyn’s desire for monogamy with Kody, shared offscreen during filming, revealed a side of her that contradicted her previous support for plural marriage.
Kody’s favoritism towards Robyn and their children further strained his relationships with his other wives. He seemed to prioritize his connection with Robyn above all else, pushing away his other wives in the process. At times, Kody displayed negative traits, acting cranky, rude, and judgmental. He seemed oblivious to his own faults, displaying a possible case of narcissism. This behavior led him to look down upon his other wives, criticizing them and making them feel inadequate. It appeared as though he wanted to create such a divide between them that it would be easier to detach himself from them in the future, ultimately leaving only himself and Robyn.
The emotional toll of polygamy is evident in season 18 of Sister Wives. The wives, including Janelle, who is typically level-headed, appeared stressed and on edge. This lifestyle takes a significant toll on their well-being. The demise of the plural marriage was inevitable, but its end was a lengthy process, with the Browns continuously revisiting and discussing their struggles even after it was over. Moving forward, their ability to let go of the past will be a sign of personal growth. Interestingly, it seems that Kody may be the one suffering the most, although his sincerity is questionable.
While Kody may exaggerate his emotions, the others may also manipulate their feelings to some extent. It is apparent that the ex-wives were aware of the truth throughout their marriage. They knew that Kody loved Robyn, neglected them, and lied about it. The reality of the situation was clear to everyone involved. Sister Wives season 18 highlights the absence of angels in this story, with each individual displaying flawed behavior at different moments. It is a tragic tale of destruction where no one is exempt from blame.

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