Is Meri Brown Still Embraced as a Mother Figure by the Brown Kids on ‘Sister Wives’?

Logan Brown, Meri Brown, Hunter Brown, Instagram, Sister Wives

Following the recent event honoring Garrison Brown, many fans of the reality TV show Sister Wives have started to speculate about Meri Brown’s role within the family. Some are curious to know if the Brown children still see her as their mother.

Meri Brown played a crucial role in supporting the family through challenging times. While it may seem unlikely that her decision to separate from polygamy would impact her position as a mother figure, some of the kids have raised concerns about Meri’s behavior. A Reddit user raised an interesting question about Meri’s relationship with the family, asking whether Janelle, Christine, and Kody still consider her a mother figure to the kids, especially after Garrison’s passing. The dynamics within the family may have become complicated after the separation.

The user also pondered how the family includes Meri in their celebrations and struggles. Despite tensions among the women, it is important to consider how they treat Meri during difficult times. This raises a thought-provoking point about how families navigate challenges together.

The Brown Family From Sister Wives, Sourced From TLC YouTube

The Brown Family from Sister Wives on YouTube has sparked discussions about Meri Brown’s perceived disconnection within the family. A poster pointed out Meri’s seating choice at a recent event, suggesting that she appeared detached. Some speculate that the other family members may not include Meri in their plans but also don’t mind her presence. Others believe that the children define Meri’s role as a mother to them, leading to potential misunderstandings or conflicts.

There have been claims from some of the Brown kids that Meri was abusive during their childhood, leading to strained relationships with certain family members. However, it’s important to consider that Meri was the disciplinarian in the family and her parenting style may have been misunderstood or misinterpreted. Despite these tensions, it seems like Meri is still considered one of the moms in the family based on her inclusion in significant events like funerals and memorials.

The seating arrangements at events, such as Garrison Brown’s military funeral, have become a topic of discussion as they may reflect the dynamics within the family. Meri’s proximity to certain family members and the body language of others in the same row hint at possible divisions within the family. While seating choices may not be significant in times of grieving, they can offer insights into the relationships and emotions at play within the family.

U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Adrianne Lopez.

In a photograph taken by Spc. Adrianne Lopez of the U.S. Army National Guard, Mykelti can be seen in the same row as Meri, although her body language leaves room for interpretation. It seems that some fans and tabloids may be overanalyzing the seating arrangement. The moment captured in the photo was undeniably heartbreaking, and it’s unlikely that Janelle paid much attention to where others were sitting. The parents naturally sat in the front row, accompanied by someone for support. As for the rest of the seating, it was probably just a matter of who arrived first and the number of available seats per group.

Garrison Brown's Folded Flag Ceremony

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