Janelle’s Jaw-Dropping Sale: Coyote Pass Sells for $900,000

Janelle Brown, a cast member on Sister Wives, is not happy with Kody Brown’s plan to divide the Coyote Pass land. She believes that everyone should receive an equal and fair share of the property. The Brown family’s reality TV journey began in 2010, showcasing their polygamous lifestyle. Over the years, the family has faced various challenges, leading to some wives leaving Kody. In a recent episode, Kody suggested dividing the land, giving himself and his fourth wife Robyn a larger portion. Janelle disagrees with this proposal and suggests bringing in a professional appraiser to ensure a fair distribution of the property. It seems like the Coyote Pass saga is far from over, with tension brewing among the Sister Wives.

Meri Brown from Sister Wives montage

Meri is not on board with Kody’s plan at all. In a preview of the upcoming events, she expresses her discontent with the idea of dividing the property unevenly. The single mother feels that Kody has already made up his mind without considering her opinion, which she finds unfair. Meri believes that despite not having a strong relationship with Kody for almost ten years, she deserves more than just 2 acres out of the 14-acre Coyote Pass. She argues that her financial contributions to the property should entitle her to a larger share.

Janelle is wise to challenge Kody and insist on a fair division of Coyote Pass. Despite not always seeing eye to eye with Meri, she recognizes that everyone involved should receive an equitable portion of the land. Janelle understands Kody’s tendency to prioritize his own needs and manipulate situations to his advantage. She has enough experience living with him for nearly thirty years to know that only a professional appraiser can hold him accountable.

Similar to Janelle, Meri is justified in demanding a fair share of Coyote Pass due to her financial support to the Brown family. She stands her ground and asserts that Kody cannot dictate who deserves what portion of the property. Despite the lack of intimacy in her marriage to Kody, she believes she should be treated equally to Robyn and Janelle in terms of land ownership. It is hoped that Meri will enlist the help of a skilled attorney to navigate the property dispute and ensure she receives her rightful share while teaching Kody a valuable lesson.

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