“Kody Brown, of ‘Sister Wives,’ Caught in a Whopper of Lies with His Children”

Sister Wives Kody Pic

Kody Brown, the star of the reality TV show Sister Wives, is facing criticism for his dishonesty yet again. Fans are becoming increasingly frustrated with his inconsistent statements over the years, and even his ex-wives have noticed his unreliable words. In recent episodes of the show, called Talk Back and Look Back, Kody’s ex-wives have been watching old episodes and exposing his conflicting claims and questionable decisions. One such example is when he claimed to love all his wives equally, which contradicts his recent statement that he never loved his wives except for Robyn. Meri, one of his ex-wives, even confronted him in an interview, questioning whether he was lying then or lying now. Meri also expressed her belief that he did love each of them, but he is now trying to manipulate the narrative to justify his current situation. The revelations from Talk Back and Look Back have left Kody facing further scrutiny from fans.

Robyn Meri Kody Christine Janelle Instagram

Kody Accused of Deceiving Children
A significant revelation has surfaced among Redditors, exposing Kody’s contradictory remarks about his desire to have a close relationship with his children. In stark contrast to his claims that his kids have distanced themselves from him, an old statement from the reality TV show “Sister Wives” has resurfaced, shedding light on Kody’s reluctance to welcome some of his children into his home. The Reddit poster vividly recalled an episode from Season 17 wherein Kody confided in Janelle about his struggles with certain kids but expressed a lack of enthusiasm for them to be present in his living quarters.

Sister Wives Garbriel Garrison Kody Instagram

“Does that make sense? If there is any animosity towards me or someone I am connected to, I won’t invite them to my house for Thanksgiving. Maybe Garrison should be the one to reach out and try to make amends,” he expressed. However, fans believe that Kody Brown unintentionally revealed that he is the one who is not actively trying to repair his relationship with his children. Here are a few comments he received.

“We’re well aware. The kids are too. He’s at best a liar and in reality, an abuser.”

“It’s absurd that he actually yelled at Janelle, accusing her of lying to the boys and demanding an apology.”

“He’s just angry that they said, ‘Fine, we’ll celebrate Christmas separately.’ He thought they would have to come crawling back to him and Robyn.”

“It’s difficult for him to keep his lies straight and remember what he actually said. It’s much easier for him to blame his wife and play the victim.”

Sister Wives: Fans Request Special Episodes Featuring the Kids

Several Reddit users from a separate thread also praised TLC for the special episodes they aired. However, some suggest that the specials would have been even better if some of the children, notably Gabrel and Garrison, who have ongoing conflicts with their father, were included.

Janelle Brown Kids Instagram

TLC has not yet disclosed their thoughts on conducting interviews with the children. There are rumors circulating that the family is getting ready for Season 19, a fact that has been confirmed by Christine and Janelle. If you desire more updates on Sister Wives, make sure to return to TV Shows Ace.

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