Kody Brown’s Candid Thoughts on Not Expanding the Family with Meri

Kody Brown / YouTube

After witnessing three of his previous marriages crumble on the television show Sister Wives, Kody Brown recently expressed his relief that he did not have additional children with his ex-wife Meri. During the December 24 episode of Sister Wives Special: Look Back, Where We Started, Kody opened up about his thoughts on their past marriage and explained that having more children would not have been advantageous for them. He emphasized that the existing children would have been negatively affected if they had expanded their family.

Kody Brown and Meri Brown / YouTube

During the special, Kody expressed that having another child wouldn’t have been a good idea back then because both he and Meri were not in a healthy state. The episode featured clips from 2012 where Kody and Meri discussed the possibility of using in vitro fertilization (IVF) to expand their family. Throughout their years together, they had only one child named Leon, who was born in July 1995. At the age of 41 in 2012, Meri shared her desire to have another baby, but also admitted that the idea of going through the process again was unsettling for her. She believed that doing IVF would bring them happiness in their elder years. However, upon revisiting the footage of their discussion about having another baby, Kody no longer shared the same enthusiasm. He mentioned that while he would have been open to the idea if it happened naturally, it was not something he strongly desired anymore.

Meri Brown / YouTube

Meri experienced the heartbreak of a miscarriage in the mid-2000s, after her and Kody’s decade-long struggle to conceive a second child. Kody, feeling that it was not in the cards for them, openly admitted that their marriage was not in a healthy state, even mentioning it in 2012. Meri, on the other hand, agreed with this assessment and described their relationship as going through a slightly tumultuous period.
Despite this, Meri expressed her desire to have more than one child, unlike Kody. Throughout her life, she faced fertility issues that made it difficult for her to conceive. Sadly, the miscarriage occurred before they considered exploring options like IVF. Reflecting on what could have been, Meri shared a poignant moment when she saw three 15-year-olds together and imagined that could have been the age of her and Kody’s child, had the miscarriage not occurred.
What are your thoughts on the challenges faced by Kody Brown and Meri in their quest for a second child? And how do you interpret Kody’s comments about it now? We would love to hear your thoughts and insights in the comments section below.

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