Kody Brown’s Optimistic Desire for a Future of Friendship with the Three Departed Women from Sister Wives (Exclusive)

In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE magazine, the proud father of 18 opens up about his current sentiments regarding his connections with Christine, Meri, and Janelle. These remarkable women, who coincidentally departed from his life within just 14 months, hold a special place in his heart.

Kody Brown is dedicated to progressing in his relationships with his three former wives and wants to put his energy towards that endeavor. The star of Sister Wives, aged 55, shares with PEOPLE that he is currently on a “journey” of “forgiveness” and “understanding” when it comes to his ex-wives Christine, Meri, and Janelle Brown, whom he separated from within a 14-month period.
Kody acknowledges that he needs to find a space where he can forgive himself for feeling anger about the past and move forward. He describes it as an inward and outward journey, as he navigates a changing dynamic with each of his ex-wives. Kody believes that in order to move on, one must express forgiveness and understanding, and he hopes to maintain a friendly and loving relationship with each other in the future, as they will always be connected through their children.
The end of these three spiritual unions has been a painful experience, admits Kody, but he sees it as a process that has led him to a more stable place with his family. He eagerly anticipates a future of forgiveness and understanding, emphasizing that a few recent events have helped rebuild his confidence, as going through a divorce or family breakup can be incredibly detrimental to one’s self-assurance.

While Kody maintains hope for a platonic reconciliation with Christine, Meri, and Janelle, he is primarily focusing on his current marriage to Robyn Brown, which he emphasized has been permanently affected. In an interview with PEOPLE, he expressed that the experience has deeply impacted him and Robyn, resulting in feelings of depression and a significant change in their dynamic. Kody acknowledged that he has been contributing to the deterioration of their relationship due to frustration and anger. He went as far as imagining leaving Robyn for another lover, only to realize that it would be an act driven by resentment and an inability to handle their relationship. Kody expressed embarrassment and regret for his behavior during the Sister Wives: One on One special.

According to an interview with Robyn, 45, she expressed her disappointment with the end of Kody’s other marriages. She shared that the arrangement was for all of them to be together and remain a family. Robyn felt a sense of abandonment when some of the wives decided to leave. She acknowledged that Meri’s situation was different because she held on for a longer time. Robyn’s perspective on Janelle and Christine’s departures vary from Meri’s, but ultimately, she felt let down by the whole situation. Stay updated on the latest news and stories by signing up for PEOPLE’s daily newsletter. You can also watch the full episodes of Sister Wives on Max.

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