Meri Gets Accused by Kody Brown for Influencing His Choice to Embrace Polygamy

Kody and Meri Brown, TLC Sister Wives

In the second part of the Sister Wives Look Back, Kody Brown opens up about the challenges in his marriage with Meri Brown. According to him, he holds Meri responsible for pushing him into a polygamous relationship.

Back in 1990, Kody and Meri tied the knot, but their marriage was far from perfect. In an attempt to fix their problems, Kody believed that adding more wives would be the solution. They embraced the polygamous lifestyle by bringing Janelle Brown into the mix. Later on, they expanded their family with Christine Brown and eventually Robyn Brown. Meri even officially divorced Kody on paper so that he could legally adopt Robyn’s children from her previous marriage. Unfortunately, rather than addressing their issues, they chose to overlook them with each new addition to the family.

Throughout the Sister Wives series, Meri frequently sought reassurance from Kody regarding his love for her. Jealousy became a constant struggle for her, especially as new wives joined the family. In one of the episodes, Meri expressed her difficulties in sharing Kody with the other wives, despite knowing that it was part of their religious beliefs. Instead of focusing on nurturing his existing relationships, it seemed that Kody would add more wives as a way to avoid confronting the underlying problems.

Christine Brown rewatching Meri Brown's struggle. - TLC Sister Wives

Christine Brown is revisiting Meri Brown’s struggles in a recent episode of Sister Wives on TLC. In this retrospective, Kody Brown takes a trip down memory lane and reflects on past moments, shedding light on why things didn’t work out with Meri. It is evident that Kody holds some resentment towards how their relationship unfolded. When discussing Meri, he candidly admits that she “drained the love out of me during our first year of marriage.” Kody acknowledges that from the very beginning, he and Meri faced numerous challenges that he was unable to mend, leaving him feeling helpless and clueless about how to proceed.

Sister Wives Family-YouTube

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Sister Wives
Brown Family – YouTube
Meri was aware of her assertive nature and how she often sought control in family situations. However, much of her dissatisfaction stemmed from Kody’s lack of attention to the needs of each relationship. The infamous “catfishing” incident involving Meri only exacerbated the existing problems and led to the deterioration of their marriage.

Kody Brown Reflects on the Breakup
Revisiting the breakup in 2022, Kody Brown admits that divorce was not an option in his world. Instead, he chose to dilute the relationship rather than terminate it completely. He believed that he needed another wife because he couldn’t devote all his time to Meri. However, this decision only fueled the conflicts within the family rather than addressing the underlying issues.

Meri Brown’s Perspective
During “Sister Wives: Look Back,” Meri also shares her thoughts on Kody Brown. She finds it interesting that he claims the current situation is not what he wanted either. In her mind, she wonders why he didn’t strive for something more.

Furthermore, Meri feels that Kody has changed over the years and has become someone unrecognizable. She no longer enjoys being married to him because of this. She wishes that he would take responsibility for his actions and acknowledge that he did love her as much as he could at one point.

What are your thoughts on Kody Brown blaming Meri for the need to enter a plural marriage? Should he have focused on resolving their issues instead of adding more wives? Have you enjoyed watching the “Sister Wives” specials? Please share your opinions in the comments section below.

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