“Prospector Gary Tomasovich Strikes Gold with 997g Nugget Discovery in Western Australia’s Goldfields”

A Western Australian prospector, famous for using a gold-detecting motorcycle, is feeling fortunate after discovering two gold nuggets weighing a kilogram each during his recent prospecting journey through the state. With over five decades of experience prospecting in various gold-rich regions across Australia, Gary Tomasovich has honed his skills to a level that few can rival.

Gary Tomasovich, a 69-year-old mechanical engineer, discovered a 997g nugget in the Goldfields of Western Australia. He goes prospecting for gold on his rugged diesel motorcycle equipped with steel guards and a Minelab gold detector. His most recent trip was a big success, with the find of the hefty nugget.

“During my latest prospecting trip in central WA, I was exploring a reef. The interference was strong once I veered away from the reef due to the heavy mineralization caused by runoff from the ironstone,” Tomasovich explained.

After Mr. Tomasovich dismounted his bike, he pulled out his handheld detector to search for treasure. “Around 80 meters away from the reef, I picked up a strong signal, and lo and behold, about 2 1/2 feet below the surface, I unearthed an 1100-gram nugget,” he excitedly recounted. “My heart raced with anticipation. It’s always thrilling, especially after a dry spell.”

After giving the nugget a thorough cleaning, it clocked in at 1076 grams. But the streak of luck didn’t stop there. “I was exploring with a friend in another area of the eastern goldfields of WA, and after six fruitless days, we struck gold,” Mr. Tomasovich shared.

“This parcel of land had a gentle slope leading down to a deep creek that caught my eye,” said the prospector as he scoured the area. On his initial search, he uncovered a 340-gram nugget along with a few smaller pieces and returned to his campsite. However, the allure of that particular spot lingered in his thoughts in the days that followed.

Unable to shake off the feeling, he decided to revisit the creek bank, which was covered in loamy soil and gravel. Upon receiving a faint signal from his metal detector, he began to dig eagerly. After several feet down, the detector started to screech wildly. With relentless determination, he continued digging until he uncovered a whopping 997-gram gold nugget.

At the current market value, a kilogram of gold is estimated to be worth around AUD $54,373. The prospector’s discovery left him in awe of his luck and the hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed beneath the surface. Source: Watoday.com.au

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