Strike it Rich! Mick Brown Uncovers Massive 2.7kg Gold Nugget Worth $135,000 in Wedderburn, Victoria

A lucky Australian prospector hit the jackpot when his metal detector led him to uncover an 87-ounce gold nugget just six inches below the surface near the renowned gold town of Wedderburn in Central Victoria.

The “Fair Dinkum” nugget holds a significant metal worth of close to $102,000. Mick Brown, a 42-year-old from Kerang, Australia, is confident that his nugget could fetch double that amount for the right collector.

At times, people claim that a truly beautiful gold nugget is worth its weight in gold for true value,” he shared with The Age.

Brown is feeling pretty sure that his gold nugget is going to fetch a hefty sum. “It’s got some great features,” he mentioned confidently. Back in October, a massive 97-ounce gold nugget was discovered using a metal detector in the famous Gold Rush Country of Northern California. It was later sold to a mysterious buyer for a cool $400,000. Prospectors often like to give their finds unique names, and Brown is no different. He has decided to call his nugget “Fair Dinkum,” using an Australian term that means “genuine.”

Brown mentioned to The Age that when others hold the nugget, their reaction is usually along the lines of, “Wow, this is really big.” This fortunate Australian can credit his wife for pushing him to leave the house on the day he discovered the nugget. As Brown shared with The Age, he was feeling cranky due to his recent decision to quit smoking. His wife suggested he go outside for some fresh air, which led him to travel 64 miles south to Wedderburn, a spot he had explored in the past for potential finds.

Brown shared his surprise at the way his metal detector responded when it detected a large chunk of gold buried in the ground. “It was like my ears were on the verge of exploding with that signal,” he exclaimed.

After only digging a few inches down, he managed to grasp the horn-like projections of the “Fair Dinkum” nugget and extracted it from the earth. Initially mistaking it for a chunk of copper, he soon realized it was actually gold. To celebrate his find, he cracked open a beer and raised a toast.

Preferring to keep the exact location of his discovery a secret to avoid sparking a gold rush, he proudly displayed the impressive “Fair Dinkum” nugget. Brown humorously questioned why he should find a nugget but not share it, finding joy in the excitement it brought to others.

With the proceeds from selling the nugget, Brown plans to purchase a home spa for his wife and four daughters, but he still has his sights set on finding an even larger nugget. He mentioned the existence of 10-kilo nuggets out there, hinting at his future aspirations.

While the “Fair Dinkum” nugget is substantial, it is not the largest to be found in Australia. In 1981, the massive 256-ounce “Pride of Australia” was uncovered nearby in Mosquito Gully, just north of Wedderburn.

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