“The Mysterious Disappearance of Friday Dinners: Unveiling the Curiosity Among ‘Sister Wives’ Enthusiasts”

Kody Brown Credit: Christine Brown IG

Sister Wives enthusiasts are well aware that Kody and Robyn Brown were disappointed when Friday night dinners came to an end with their children. This occurrence may have been an early indication that the family was beginning to drift apart. Fans on Reddit are now speculating about the reason behind the discontinuation of these dinners.

In a recent episode, it was revealed that the Brown family stopped having Friday night dinners because the kids had other commitments on Friday and Saturday nights. However, it is worth noting that they still had several younger children who were available to join the family for dinner. They could have potentially adjusted the timing to accommodate the older kids or even chosen a different night of the week when everyone had more availability.

One Redditor shared their viewpoint on this matter, suggesting that Robyn, and possibly Kody as well, desired to spend weekends together as a family at her house, specifically for Kody to be present for her children. Due to this preference, they might have either put a stop to these dinners or insisted that they be held at Robyn’s house. If the other wives did not comply with Robyn’s wishes, they may have been accused of not being inclusive or welcoming towards her and her children.

Janelle and Christine's Tense Family Dinner! | Sister Wives | TLC

Fans are speculating that there may have been more to the end of the Friday night dinners than just the kids being busy. They question why the adults couldn’t switch the night or time of the dinners, or even have breakfast on Sunday mornings instead. Some fans also believe that one of the wives, who they think has been acting, is starting to reveal her true personality as a mean girl. Another fan agrees that the dinners were not important to any of the adults and believes that blaming it all on one wife is not the real issue. They also point out that with the addition of more children and the fact that everyone is growing up, the houses may not have been big enough to comfortably accommodate the entire family. Despite the choice to have a large family, this fan finds it hard to understand why the dinners continued to be a priority. What do you think was the true reason behind the Sister Wives family’s decision to stop their Friday night dinners? Share your thoughts in the comments and make sure to catch new episodes of Sister Wives on TLC.

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