When the Marriages of Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Were Crumbling, He Voiced His Disapproval of Polygamy

Kody Brown, known for his appearances on the reality TV show Sister Wives, has been accustomed to living a polygamous lifestyle for a significant portion of his adult years. However, with his marriages now crumbling, he finds himself resorting to expressing his frustration and anger.

Kody Brown, known for his role on the reality TV show Sister Wives, has experienced a significant shift in his views on polygamy. Despite previously advocating for plural marriage, Kody is now speaking out against the idea. Having spent over 30 years in a plural marriage with his wives Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown, Kody’s three divorces have caused him to reevaluate his stance on polygamy. This change in perspective has played out on the latest season of Sister Wives, as Kody grapples with his emotions and tries to understand their origins. The resulting confusion has led to intriguing moments for the entire Brown family as they navigate uncharted territory.
In a recent interview with People magazine, Kody revealed that he has reached the conclusion that plural marriage is “completely unfair” after much contemplation and prayer. Although Kody and his fourth wife, Robyn, had considered adding another wife to the family following the departures of Janelle and Meri, their reflections on the life they have built together have led to a different outlook. Kody now believes that fairness can only exist if everyone has an equal choice, indicating that it was necessary for his own marriages to fall apart for him to distance himself from the notion of unfairness.
Kody’s divorces with Meri, Christine, and Janelle were not simple breakups but rather complex negotiations that have forced him to reevaluate his beliefs.

Although Kody initially expresses some support for his exes’ decision to leave polygamy, he clarifies that he is mainly speaking about himself. He believes that Janelle, Meri, Christine, and even Robyn have the freedom to choose whether they want to remain in their relationship with him or not. Kody admits that he is unable to “get out of these relationships,” and instead has to accept whatever life throws at him. It seems that Kody’s perspective on these breakups is more practical rather than emotional. He describes them as “technically” negotiated separations, even though he acknowledges feeling bitterness and frustration towards them, particularly in the cases of his breakup with Meri and Christine.



Kody’s perspectives on plural marriage have undergone a shift due to his own personal experiences with heartbreak. In late 2022, he faced the departure of Janelle and Meri, following Christine’s lead. This turbulent period has compelled him to view plural marriage as a chapter of his life that he is ready to leave behind. Instead, he is now focusing on nurturing a loving relationship with Robyn and prioritizing quality time with his children. Kody remains optimistic that he can learn from his past mistakes and grow from them. However, it is evident that he is examining his relationships through the lens of his own pain, rather than fully acknowledging his own faults.

While Kody may be struggling to process the emotions surrounding his separations from his ex-wives, his decision to speak openly about these experiences could prove beneficial in the long run. It is possible that his thoughts and sentiments might evolve over time. It is intriguing to observe how Kody has taken the opportunity to step back, allowing himself the time and space to comprehend the complexities of his life. With the upcoming release of the nineteenth season of Sister Wives still several months away, Kody will have ample time to reassess his perspective before facing further inquiries about his personal life. Ultimately, as the patriarch of Sister Wives, he may need to engage in introspection and self-reflection in order to move forward genuinely.

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