“Why Kody from ‘Sister Wives’ is Courting a New Sister Wife with Robyn: The Inside Scoop”

Latest Updates on TLC’s Reality Show “Sister Wives”

Robyn Brown, Kody Brown, Sister Wives

Even though there hasn’t been any official confirmation of Season 19 of “Sister Wives,” it appears that Kody and Robyn Brown are keeping busy with new developments. Lately, there have been more sightings of Kody and Robyn in Chandler, sparking speculation about what they might be up to. A discussion on Reddit among viewers of “Sister Wives” delved into the frequency of Kody and Robyn’s visits to Chandler Mall, leading to a theory that they could be courting a potential new wife. It seems like there’s always something intriguing happening in the world of the Brown family!

Robyn and Kody Brown's Wedding Day - TLC

Robyn and Kody Brown’s Wedding Day on TLC’s Sister Wives was quite a spectacle. Some fans are speculating about the possibility of Kody taking on another wife to fulfill Robyn’s desire for plural marriage. However, not everyone agrees with this idea.

According to one fan, Robyn may not truly want sister wives, but rather the resources they can provide. Another fan suggests that the couple may be courting a new wife only if she has a well-paid job. There are also discussions about the frequency of gun shows that Kody and Robyn attend together, leading some to believe it’s all for the sake of the show’s continuation.

While some fans believe Robyn might need sister wives for companionship and built-in friends, others think she wants to maintain her position as the head wife while redirecting Kody’s anger towards someone else. It’s unclear whether Kody and Robyn are actively courting a new wife, but some believe it’s possible for them to have a different kind of relationship with a new addition to the family.

In the end, the real reason behind Kody and Robyn courting a new wife remains a mystery, with fans having various opinions on the matter.

Sister Wives: Kody Says He Was Never in Love With ANY Wife But Robyn

What are your thoughts on Kody and Robyn Brown frequently visiting Chandler? Do you believe they are scouting for a new wife? Could it be that Robyn just wants to make new friends? Are you eager to watch more episodes?

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